I live in Memphis, I lived the first 24 yrs of my life in south Louisiana. I am used to heat and humity, not FREAKIN' snow!!! We are having our 5th snow fall of 2011! We typically get a little dusting once or twice a year. But 5 times!!!! Now, I know you Yankees have no sympathy, but my blog, I get to whine any time I want!!! I am now whining!!! LOL Debbi - I already know you don't feel sorry for me, that's ok, I feel sorry for me and that's all that counts! LOL
This second picture is my van after I had gotten back from the bank, about 10 minutes after...
Now there is about 2 inches of snow on my car. It has taken me about 45 minutes to put the pictures in here and avoid my boss seeing what I was doing. Plus as a very techie friend of mine says "I struggle". This picture only took me 5 minutes to upload and it was taken at 2:10 about 2 hrs after the snow started. 
Now on to a "lighter" note!! Since I joined the challenge on 1/9, exactly one month ago, I have lost 26 lbs. This next picture is me this morning with a shirt that I bought in TX when we went to see my mom and grandmother to take our 5 generation photo. My grandmother is 101, mom is 80, I am 47, Christian is 21 and Isabella was 4mos old, but I digress. I bought 2 shirts at Wal-Mart while we were there without trying them on. I saved them for when we got back to Memphis, it was still pretty warm in Grand Prairie in early Nov. I put them on and they were too tight across my stomach. For shigiggles, I put one on this morning...this is it.
If I had known about/joined the challenge I could have had lunch with Anne H while in TX.
Back to work...
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