Monday, March 28, 2011


Busy today. I got to the office this am and had 7 voice mails!! It was nuts! As soon as I hung up the phone from checking messages, it was ringing again and it was one of the people who left a message! Goodness, we open at 9, this was at 9:20, give me time to return your call before you call again! Today was a low calorie day and I am hungry!! I may go to bed soon so that I don't cheat!! Only lost 1 lb last week. Hopefully it will be better this week. Went walking in the park on my way home today, it was great! Not hot, not cold, very comfortable. New menus look good. I can't decide between Wendy's and KFC, I have been craving fried chicken lately, so I think that is what I will have when they start. Well, I hope everyone is doing well and liking the menus. It's kind of strange with the varied amounts of calories per day, it's sort of hard to get used to...I guess that is why we are doing them, to get us used to compensating for days when we go over our limits some to balance out the calories for the week, to teach us not to gain our weight back once we lose it. It makes sense, just not easy. Night y'all!

1 comment:

  1. It bugs me too, when we I get a voicemail on our machine and at 8:01 they call back. Sheesh. I would have picked KFC, yum. Good luck on the challenge!
